To assist you, we have compiled a short list of the most frequently asked questions and answers. We hope that these questions and answers will address many of your concerns.

Q. What are your hours of operation?
A.  Monday - Friday 8:30am to 4:00pm

Q. What is the monthly fee for checking?
A. You get four (4) free ATM withdrawals per month and can check your account      balances and information FREE 24 hours per day with our Tellermatic Audio Response System. There are no per check fees, no monthly fees.

Q. Do you have to maintain a minimum balance in my savings account?
A. A $25.00 minimum balance in your share account is required. There is no balance required for checking accounts.

Q. Do you place a hold on payroll checks?
A. No - the funds are available in your account immediately. This means you save time as you don't need to cash your check before coming to the Credit Union. With direct deposit, you can save even more time by avoiding the need to come to the Credit Union.

Q. Can I have my payroll check deposited directly into my Credit Union account?
A. Yes! Simply contact the Credit Union and/or your payroll department.

Q. Will I have to close my account at the Credit Union if I leave my job or relocate?
A. Absolutely not. "Once a member, always a member" - for life!

Q. Can my family members join the Credit Union?
A. Yes - family members are eligible for membership. Contact a credit union representative for further details.

Q. How do I check the balance on my Visa Card?
A. You can call, toll-free, 800-338-0566 or visit www.ezcardinfo.com to check your balance 24 hours a day. You can also speak to someone about your account during normal business hours.

Q. How can I check on my Credit Union account after hours?
A. By using Tellermatic, our Audio Response System, the service is FREE and allows you access to your account 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Call 561-394-2971 or 800-352-0782. More information and complete usage instructions are available online.

Q. Where may I use my ATM card?
A. Anywhere you see the logos displayed on the back of your card. These ATM network logos and several ATM locators are available online.

Q. How long do I have to be a member before I can apply for a loan?
A. There is no waiting period. As a matter of fact, you can become a member, apply for a loan and have an answer within 24 hours. Fill out our online loan application to get started.

Q. Can I join the Credit Union and apply for a loan online?
A. Yes! You can join the Credit Unionapply for a loan, and even order checks online.

Looking for the answer to a different question? Send us an email and we will respond to you quickly. 

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(561) 394-3307 Fax

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One West Camino Real, Suite 110
Boca Raton, Florida 33432

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